Frequency breakdown of 18 Locate all icons named ^0. There is more than one variable named '^0'. Please select or rename the icon of the one you mean and close the window again. Cases selected according to columns. rows. The requested table is too large. Tables cannot have more than 200 Columns are levels of Rows are levels of Please name the variable holding the group names: Please name the variable holding the appended data: Appending Variables 6 The icon “^0” cannot be discarded because it is still being used. You must discard all icons that use ^0 before discarding it. The relation “^0” cannot be discarded because there are variables of this relation not in the Trash. You must discard these variables before discarding ^0. variables of ^0 icons that use ^0 Locate all ^0. (They will be selected so you can drag them to the Trash if you wish.)